Grant Consulting Services
Sep 05, 2019Hi, I’m Valerie Grant, your expert grant proposal writer with Grant Consulting Services. Today, we’re talking about the first step in the grant development process and that is identifying the need. You want to spend some time here doing your research, finding out what the needs in your community are. For example, is there enough access to mental healthcare in your community? Do families have appropriate access to enough food and shelter to make their lives livable? Those are just a couple of examples, but whatever your organization is working on is what you should try to identify in the community as a need, and be able to come up with some hard data and report that to a potential funder.
Now, along with that hard data, you also want to craft a narrative or put some story around identifying that need because funders want to know how their money is going to affect everyday people’s lives. So you want to put a good story around that data, and that will make a great case in the first step, which again is identifying the need. At Grant Consulting Services, we have helped multiple, multiple organizations across the globe to obtain millions and millions of dollars in grant funding. And part of what we do is to help them identify the need and to make that applicable to any potential funder that might want to fund their organization. Again, my name is Valerie Grant, your expert grant proposal writer with Grant Consulting Services.